
Sage Point of View

It’s all about the Resurrection

It’s not about the Easter Bunny or the celebration of spring bursting onto the Earth. Easter is the most important anniversary of the greatest event that has occurred on our planet, the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

When growing up in this country I was overwhelmed with pride that I lived in such a privileged place as the United States of America, One Nation under God. We stood for the protection of all peoples basic human rights, bestowed on us by our creator. The Bible, is and was from our beginnings as a country, used to swear in our political and judicial leaders at the highest levels. That is what I thought made us so great, was that these people leaned not on their own understanding but prayerfully sought the wisdom of God.


How naïve of me. Unfortunately most of our leaders fail to even open that book and have completely abandoned its principals. Our courts are permeated with lies and deceit. Power and Greed are the God of our country. Most of the world think of us as a Christian Nation but the values we project into the world are far from Christian. Our downward spiral I believe began when the Supreme Court wrongly interpreted the separation of church and state as the separation of God and state, and my friend that is not a state I wish to be in.  The separation of church and state was to keep power out of the grip of the Catholic Church or any particular religion.


As Easter approaches in this country, most schools are not even allowed to refer to what we used to know as Easter Vacation. Now it is spring break. At Christmas many schools do not allow the singing of Jesus referenced songs, or songs about God. In fact, it seems that the only publicly acceptable mention of God or Jesus Christ is as a cuss word, and those words spew freely throughout our society. What a shame for our children. There is another adulteration of one of our freedoms. Freedom of speech. That was a guarantee of the free expression of opinion to challenge the ideas and rules of those in power. It was never meant for profanity to be spewed throughout our society through every possible medium from radio to the internet. Our society panders to the lowest human instincts. The vulgarity that we have allowed to permeate our society is sickening. We have beautiful talented singers and entertainers that degrade themselves to sell themselves to an ever hungry society looking for that quick feel-good fix of sex, drugs and rock and roll. Providing that ultimate fix for those lusting after power and money. This society is molesting the minds and hearts of our youth and us as a society are and will continue to pay a high price for that, as will our children.


We celebrate holidays such as Martin Luther King Day and President’ Day. All of these men firmly believed in God and felt led by him. But somehow we as a country cannot acknowledge the incredible contribution made to this world by this man, Jesus Christ, who most every religion recognizes.  Almost all of the different religions believe in the same God,  and the basic principles are the same, love God, as he loves us. Don’t lie, steal, or cheat or murder and love your neighbor AS yourself. Why is it such a threat to deny the true meaning of EASTER? We forbid the replication of the Cross and the Ten Commandments on public properties, and again I must say that there should be no separation from God and State. If you think that the story is just too fantastic to believe, just keep in mind that we are all spinning around on this ball called Earth, in an incredible open space filled with wonders stuff. All of it is beautiful. I cannot believe that it is not by design.

Our popular media and our government will tell you that the country is rebounding. Really? Does it feel that way to you as you drive around your town and see storefront after storefront empty? It’s hard to get through to many of our essential agencies with so many cuts going on. You may have noticed a shortage of police on your streets because your jurisdictions cannot afford them. You may notice that crime in your town is out of control. If this is all too much to bear and you cannot see past your own depression and make any sense of the mess that our society is in, no problem, just pop an anti-depressant. Oh, but wait a minute because one of the side effects of the anti-depressants is suicidal thoughts! Almost the whole darn country is on some kind of pill or other. I wonder if there is any correlation to that fact and the fact that our politicians make so much money from political contributions from drug companies. Just saying. We have been plunged into spiritual darkness and we cannot trust the people in charge to do what is right for us, when they can only see what is going to benefit themselves.

We desperately need a resurrection of Faith in this country. A resurrection of backbone. A resurrection of Hope. Especially if we believe that we are about to fight the battle between Good and Evil as many world leaders have said. That is a battle that I would not want to enter in to without God on my side, or we could be taken down by a young man with a sling-shot (or a computer). I wouldn’t want to hear God say “I never knew you”. So America, I have to say that we had better take the log out of our own eye, before we see the speck in our brother’s eye.


We had better have a resurrection of Faith, because ultimately it is what is going to save us as individuals, as a country and our world when we realize that IT'S ALL ABOUT THE RESURRECTION.


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